Why Unitarian Universalists Can Celebrate Christmas

Interim Minister, Rev. Jacqueline Ziegler is speaking. Molly Brinkerhoff is the Worship Associate. June Canon is our pianist and will play the flute too.

Come discover the unique religious meaning our 19th century Unitarian and Universalist ancestors gave to the Christmas celebration in America and how that perspective has become integral to today’s observation of Christmas. After hearing this reflection you will be able to answer the question your Christian friends ask: “How can you Unitarian Universalists
celebrate Christmas when you’re not even Christians?” Don’t miss this inspiring service, for it could help make your Christmas meaningful in a profoundly new way.

SPECIAL NOTE: I offered this reflection last year and those who were at the service shared with me how much they enjoyed and appreciated knowing why they could legitimately partake in THE spirit of Christmas, even though they were no longer Christians. When people who missed this service heard how meaningful it was they asked me if I’d be willing to offer it again. So I am honoring that request. To those who were present last year, come again and let the Unitarian Universalist meaning of Christmas re-energize you!

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