High Holiday Tea and Potluck Dinner Soiree

Rev. Ziegler and Sue Wilde invite everyone to this gala event on Saturday, December 7 beginning at 4:30 p.m. at Sue’s beautiful home located at 173 E 24th Street, Idaho Falls.  

The soiree will include a performance by Musica Solanum of beautiful holiday music on recorders which go back to the Middle Ages, a show and tell about the instruments, time for community singing of holiday secular songs as well as beloved carols and readings of holiday stories. And, of course, there will be the delicious potluck foods, various English teas and coffee (decaf and regular) to dine on. The soiree is for singles and couples, with or without children. To add to the fun and to create a mood, Rev. Ziegler will wear Victorian period clothing. Everyone is invited to do the same or come in dress-up clothes.   

 As space is limited, everyone is asked to pre-register.  A sign–up sheet will be in the downstairs social hall or you can register through Rev. Ziegler at revziegler369@yahoo.com  or by calling her at 208-881-5539. The deadline to register is Thursday evening,  December 5.  To ensure that we have a variety of food people will be asked to sign up to bring either hors d’oeuvres, a main dish, a side dish or a dessert. Everyone is asked to bring an alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage to share.  We’re asking for a contribute $2.00 per person or family to cover the cost of incidentals such as the teas and coffees.  If you have questions talk to Rev. Ziegler.

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