Prayer and Meditation: A Balm for Today’s Discomfort

During “normal” times, prayer and meditation often was limited and hedged in by a multiplicity of details and distractions to which we often felt we needed to paid attention to. Now, during this COVID-19 pandemic, I suspect some of us don’t even want to try to pray or meditate because we are experiencing so much discomfort around the high level of uncertainty that the pandemic has brought into our lives. Yet, I suggest it is through the quiet stillness of prayer and meditation that an antidote to that discomfort can be found. Join me as I consider how that could be so.

Interim Minister Rev. Jacqueline Ziegler is speaking.  Annette Lovell is the Worship Associate. Daniel Schwen and Drew White are the Audio/Visual Technicians. Jessica Kuipers is our pianist and vocalist. 

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